Thursday, November 20, 2008


I love the snow. wow really Love it. Thank you very much. so I have been talking in a English accent, and I have gotten quite good at it! So today at school on a bus ride I had been talking to my friend and a freshman was like "so where are you from?" and I replied, "Bedford Michigan... But originally England" And guess what, they belived me! They thought I was from England! And they still do. I didnt correct them.
YAY for Accents!


Karaeleanor said...

i know! i love talking in an accent!
when i was at your house, me and kenna were playing this game with these animals, and all of a sudden we started talking in english accents!
it was funny!

Kulio said...

ha! I went to Icthus one year when I was a teen, and my girlfriend and I talked in Southern accents and met these boys and told them we were from Tennessee. It was way fun.

Heidi Lee said...

Had a blast with you seeing Twilight. I loved the movie. Can't wait to see number 2!!!

Your awesome!

I used to talk in an english accent when I was a kid....just for fun. Ha.

riahbell said...

Yes its tons of fun!

kool kenna said...

how does that have to do with snow??

btw update time

kool kenna said...

sounds fun though

Heidi Lee said...

You ROCK for doing that...thats hilarious!

Ok, and weird that my Twilight comment is on this..what did I do wrong? Love Kennas comment about that having nothing to do with the snow. Glad I checked this so I could explain my dumbness...still wondering what I did! Hahaha

Heidi Lee said...

Ok wait..I DID mention something about an there, KENNA...I was just throwing in that Twilight comment as an extra!!